Monday, December 26, 2011


Now, we can all look out the same window. :-)
Note: The print you have was processed using photo lab chemicals—so it’s essentially a photograph and should last a few good years...I hope.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sketch Using New Software

Manga Studio EX 4 is the best software for drawing comics in my opinion--if you have a passion for pen and ink, that is--and are thinking of migrating to digital inking. This software attempts to address the little problems and issues that torment the comic book artists during the creative execution of comic book.  The main thing going for it, is that it was developed around the workflow of traditional comic book production.

Is it better than Photoshop? I don’t think so.  Photoshop was created primarily for photo editing but has enough in its arsenal to help an artist make a great comic book. 

Manga Studio was made to make comics—period.   It’s been streamlined in the photo editing department and boosted heavily in the digital inking and lettering department.  The inking and lettering part encompasses, tones, filters 2D references, 3D references,  patterns, smart rulers, lettering, speech balloons, and panelling.

Can it make you a better artist?  Unfortunately, no.  That’s why you have to keep on drawing. J

Pen & Ink with Digital Coloring

Budjette and Kajo's Trese...bastardized.  I sort of put my own spin to the characters...hehehehe.